Do Not Despair…All Is Well

What I want all of you to know, is…this is all for a Purpose. Everything that is happening in our world, in our country, in our state, in our city, our neighborhood, our home, our individual self…. is happening because of free will and design. This may not sit right with some of you. I can just hear all of the vitrol from those who claim “I didn’t choose”…my child to die, to lose my job, to be abused, to be suppressed by my government, to be forced to be vaccinated to keep my job, and so forth… I want you to think about the result of whatever the struggle/pain was in your life. Did you learn an important lesson? Did you meet or marry someone you might not have otherwise? Did you move? Was there a big change that happened in your life later? Did you choose a career path because of past experiences?

When I say design, I mean our own personal design and that of Mother Earth. We chose our critical life points before we were born. We brought in our support team in the form of parents, siblings, close friends and/or mentors. If you don’t believe in these things, that is ok. Although to be drawn to my blog, I’m imagining you do.

Be aware of those spiritual teachers who claim to have all the answers. No one does. Be aware of the conspiracy theorists….they have only pieces of the truth, not the whole Truth. Be aware of the media, they only share what their owners allow them to share. Be aware of those in the medical field, they have been bought by Big Pharma…understand this before you make medical decisions that will greatly impact your life. Be aware of government leaders, they do not speak for everyone, only their own political machinations. Always, always, when you hear someone speak truth ask yourself….does it resonate for you? What does your intuition say? Follow your intuition always. Sometimes it goes along with mainstream thinking, but most of the time not. Are you emotionally strong enough not to follow mainstream? To be seen or perceived as different? If you choose to not listen to your intuition…understand that is also your free will.

We are in an unprecedented time right now. What we are going through has never been experienced in modern history. Everything is unknown and that is damn scary. For those of us who like to have control, it feels stressful and anxiety inducing. We are all being challenged…tested even. Do you trust yourself? Do you know yourself? Can you follow your heart?

This pandemic, the growing public awareness of the torture and suffering of children in sexual slavery, the fear of and suppression of women and their equal power, the desperate fearful grasp of old 3D energy to stay in control; is bringing everything that was hidden to the surface. All of our fears, rage, hatred, prejudice, division – are being stirred up and spewed out. Our Earth is also cleansing all of the old 3D energy. The weather patterns, earthquakes, droughts, flooding, raging fires, viral plagues are all for a purpose. Our Earth cleanses cyclically. Geologists could explain this better than I. We are in the process of a Pole flip. Our North Pole is no longer in the Arctic Circle, did you know this? I believe this will not be a sudden thing. We will have time to prepare. This could cause dramatic changes to our planet. Our Earth is consciously aware. Just like we are. She is cleansing herself, as we are cleansing ourselves. Some have said we are in Dark Times. Or, that we are in the End Times.

Do not despair. Walk through the darkness, holding the Light of your truth within you. You are not alone, no one is. We overcame our preset course in 2012. Our Earth transitioned, as our bodies transition in death, to our true spiritual selves. We are now in birthing pains of a new world. We are heavily pregnant with possibility. Earth is experiencing “Braxton Hicks” from time to time. For us, we experience that through “Climate Change”. Humanity is in the process of purging the old, to make way for the new. More and more of humanity is ‘awakening’ to the truth of who they are and why they are here. Some believe that the Old Guard of 3D energy is trying to prevent the natural awakening of humanity through suppression of DNA (because our spiritual codes are held there). It’s sadly ironic, because nothing can prevent our awakening. These people are stuck in third dimension and cannot see the truth. These physical bodies are merely temporary vehicles for our True Selves.

I need to tell you something hard. It’s hard to hear, because it stirs up all of our fears and panic. Breathe. All is for a purpose. There will be many more deaths. Many are choosing to leave Earth at this time rather than ascend with the planet. That is their free choice. Many more will be leaving by way of the pandemic. This was their predetermined choice before birth. The experimental vaccines are killing people, or causing severe side effects that will eventually lead to death. There is truth if you look for it. Media is not reporting it. Hospitals are not reporting it. They have been told not to list cause of death from vaccine but from other reasons. This information comes from doctors and nurses who are speaking out about what is happening in their hospitals. Hospitals are turning people away, because so many doctors and nurses have quit rather than be forced into vaccination. These are facts. Do your own research. Listen to your own intuition for what is true, and what is not.

If you have gotten the vaccination you can heal yourself of the toxins with support from energy healers. If you haven’t yet been, but are worried you may need to because of a job, there is a solution. In a previous post on this blog, I shared with you my inner guidance on this topic. We all need to raise our vibrations high. Release the past, forgive old hurts, love ourselves, trust our path. If you’ve been on the ascension/awakening path, you are in a good place. Visualize the vaccine serum as merely saline solution, a placebo. Transmute the low vibrational energy of the serum. Only that which is good for your body can enter you. A wonderful spiritual healer can help you anchor in the 5D, strengthen your DNA to resist any attempts at foreign intervention. This is our divine blueprint. Most importantly, release fear. There is nothing at all to fear. Trust your Path and Purpose. If it is your time to leave this planet, trust that process. If you are meant to do more work here, you will. Your angels, guides and Higher Self are always with you, supporting and guiding you. Listen to them when you feel fear. You can also protect your family members in this same way. You only need to ask for permission, as you can’t go against their free will.

One other thought on the subject of vaccines. I believe in the power of intention. There are many people who joyously got the vaccine. They believe 100% that it will save them from illness. It likely will. They did not take the vaccine out of fear, but out of an abundance of caution. Do not make decisions from fear, only love and acceptance. There should be no judgement around who chooses to vaccinate, and who doesn’t. Respect everyone’s choice. We are only able to affect change for ourselves and those who allow us to help them. The message I am given repeatedly from my guides is to ‘trust the process’. Trust your path. Trust your intuition and follow it, even if it makes no sense. It will not fail you.


ps…photo of sculpture can be found:

Millennial Gaia Statue – Mother Earth

Brand: G Ganen

on Amazon.

Our Journey Continues…


Recently I had a very meaningful dream.  There were two aspects to the message.  The first, was that I am not to leave my husband behind.  He will be with me, even though he may not understand where I am, and may even challenge me.  I chose him to be my mirror, and he is a very effective one, damn it!  🙂  The second aspect had to do with the book I am writing.  An angelic being visited me (in the guise of an older woman friend who I just can’t quite place, but have strong familiarity with).  She told me that in order to get my book done, I need an agent.  She showed me her art portfolio and it gave me hope.  She said that I will write my book, but that an agent is essential to get where I want to be.  I really want to publish under Hay House, so I’m going to look into this.  I feel such kinship with Hay House’s authors like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Anita Moorjani, Esther Hicks, etc.  A feeling, like they are my peers….my contemporaries.  This is another sign to me, that I will be writing an important book (s).

I continue to experience Ascension Symptoms.  Lately, it has to do with all over body/joint aching and at times, extreme fatigue.  The anxiety seems to be gone, although I do get moments when I can feel it rise a little.  At those times, I breathe deeply and remind myself that I have worked through all of it and I am reacting to information and energy from the outside world.  Yesterday, I went to Kaiser and got an X ray for my feet.  I want to get them healed, and not feel held back by them.  My body still vibrates, in different areas.  Mostly I feel the vibrations up and down my arms and hands.  Sometimes it is in my pelvis, thighs and knees.  Other times I feel it through my chest.  I get intense heat in the palm of my hands off and on. A week ago, I was experiencing horrible headaches every day, especially in the evening, centered in my forehead, or over my left temple and down my left side (jaw, shoulder, arm).

A couple of nights ago, I prayed deeply to God to allow myself to be His Voice in the world.  To please allow me to be His Messenger…that I desired that above all else, as it was for my and my family’s highest good.  The next morning, my husband was laughing with disbelief and claiming that I was acting crazy early that morning.  He said around 2 in the morning, he awoke to hear me speaking very fast (like those radio announcers reading the small text of an ad), but very clearly.  He couldn’t remember it all, but remembered certain words like “Angel” “Protector” “Messenger”.  I wish I could have remembered it, perhaps I would know what it was about.  He said it felt like it went on for awhile.  So, God got my message. 😉  I will work on being patient, and trusting that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.  The ways and means will be made clear to me, when I need them to.

It’s easy to lose faith and to want to give up on it all.  On the face of things, I could convince myself that I had a nervous breakdown 3 years ago and have been in recovery ever since.  I could chalk up my physical symptoms to possible fibromyalgia, and other things like that.  Except  for the profound spiritual experiences and realizations I have had.  Except for the evidence that millions are experiencing the same all around the world.  Except for channeling Metatron and being given the message that He/I am the Tree of Life, before I even knew that was his Symbol.

I trust and know that I am here on Earth at this time, for a Higher Purpose, as are we all.  Each one of us is Important.  Every single one….from the homeless on the street, the gang member, the political dissident, the suicide bomber, the murderer on death row, the dictator, the celebrity, the president.  Everyone of us.  Most will not discover what their mission is, until they pass from this life, and remember what it had been.  Perhaps they will choose to come back, to discover and live it.  For the rest of us, we awakened or were born awake…and have traveled our path with trust.  It has not been an easy road, as we are not alone.  We have families, teachers, friends, society, leaders to distract us from our Purpose.  And yet, they are also here to guide us to it.

We are in a New Year of 2014.  This year promises to be a Banner Year from all spiritual circles.  We, as humanity, have shown that we are fed up with the old way of doing business.  Change is coming, both micro and macro.  How prepared are we?  Do we need to prepare, or take it as it comes?  I’m inclined to mentally and spiritually prepare for what may come, but also to let go of controlling outcomes.  My husband wants to stock up and create a sustainable home and garden.  I support this, as common sense dictates.  I also trust that all we need will be made available to us.

I feel expectant…